~*!*~CaSeY LaBoUr'z WeBsItE~*!*~

BlOnDe JoKeS
FrIeNd'Z WeBsItEz!
PiCs FrOm CaReEr TrIp
FrIeNdZ FrOm DiFfErEnT PlAcEs
My LiL CoUsInS
~!*MoRe PiC'z*!~
SkEwL pIcS oF 2003-2004
CoOl QuOtEs!!
ScReEn NaMeS 4 MsN
GrAd 2006 StUfF
AbOuT Me
ShOuT OuTz!!!

Here'z a poem dat Felicia Kearley written bout me:D:D...god luv her!:)

True Friends
True friends are people who care
True friends are people who are always there
They help you through good times and bad
They help you to become happy when you are sad
True friends are people you can trust
True friends are people who will always be lust
True friends are people who give you a shoulder to cry lay on and a shoulder to cry on
True friends are always there and they show you how much they care
True friends is what I don't have much of
But Casey my dear I am proud to say that your always here in my heart
Your the best true friend anyone could ever wany
I'm proud to say that your a true friend
And there will always be a place in my heart for you no matter how far we are apart
These r sum poems I found on the web!
The four of us
All for one and one for all
Best friends forever
Each other we call
Never split this quad up
Or else you’ll be in trouble
We stand up for each other
And cheer when one hits a double
We will be and are best friends for life
Thru thick and thin together we will be
These girls are awsome
And you just wait and see
We’ll be together forever
Don’t get mad when
in our group you can’t be

A crush is a ton of mush
even though it isn't a rush
you luv someone till the end
and consider them more then a friend
you like there presence and there style
being w/ them is worth while
you always laugh at there jokes
and always offer to share a coke
trying to impress them isn't easy
when your by them you get queasy
there special then all the rest
and you hope they think your the best
if they ask you out it'll be to hard not to pout
because the person you have a crush on
is the best guy around
just beware there always bound

-Die for love-
I sit in the park where I dwell
For this boy I love so well
He took my heart away from me
Now he wants to set me free
I see a girl on his lap
He says things to her he never said to me
I ran home to cry on my bed
Not a word to mother was said
Father came home late that night
He looked at me from left to right
He saw me hanging from a rope
He took his knife to cut me down
And on my dress a note was found:
Dig my grave Dig it deep
Dig my grave From head to feet
And on the top place a dove
And remember this, I died for love….

Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss,
If you are my friend, please answer me this:
Are we friends, or are we not?
You told me once, but I forgot.
So tell me now, and tell me true,
So I can say "I'm here for you."
Of all the friends I've ever met,
You're the one I won't forget.
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to Heaven and wait for you,
I'll give the angels back their wings
And risk the loss of everything.
There isn't a thing I wouldn't do,
To have a friend just like you!
*Near to the door*
*he paused to stand*
*as he took his class ring*
*off her hand*
*all who were watching*
*did not speak* *as a silent tear*
*ran down his cheek*
*and through his mind*
*the memories ran*
*of the moments they walked*
*and ran in the sand hand and hand*
*but now her eyes were so terrible cold*
*for he would never again*
*have her to hold*
*they watched in silence*
*as he bent near*
*and whispered the words..*
*"I LOVE YOU" in her ear*
*he touched her face and started to cry*
*as he put on his ring and wanted to die*
*and just then the wind began to blow*
*as they lowered her casket*
*into the snow....*
*this is what happens*
*to man alive.....*
*when friends let friends....*
*drink and drive.*

*Graduation is the day i will not say good bye,
*Graduation is the day i turn away and cry,
*All these years together have drifted by too fast,
*Please don't forget anyone that doesn't belong in your past,
*Keep them all in your future, still there holding on,
*Keep them all near your heart, where their never gone...

~*I loved you once...*~
~*You loved me not...*~
~*I loved you twice...*~
~*But then I thought...*~
~*You never loved me...*~
~*You never will...*~
~*But even so ...*~
~*I love you still.*~

If you have ne poems that you want me to put on dis site email them to me at sugar_n_spice_n_everything_nice_4_frisco@hotmail.com